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roundtable review - one note symphonies
the compulsive reader - still life in motion
the compulsive reader - one note symphonies

"This book (still life in motion) is exhilarating in its freedom and its poetry and wit are a constant refreshment. In my review of One Note Symphonies I wondered if such a special talent could survive in today’s glut of books but Still Life indicates that he is a survivor. This is very good news for us all."

--Bob Williams, The Compulsive Reader, The Modern Word

"If you put Robert Antoni, Maurice Blanchot, Lydia Davis, Joyce Mansour, and Malcolm de Chazal in a blender and set it on puree, the results would be similar to Sean Brijbasi's promising debut.  I found it easy to lose myself in his rapid-fire prose poemy shards, only to emerge unscathed on  a bicycle built by Flann O'Brien somewhere on the pages of Carole Maso's "AVA." Brijbasi could very well become the sleek new way to travel."

--Richard Peabody, editor Gargoyle Magazine, Mondo Barbie, Mondo Elvis, author of Sugar Mountain, Buoyancy and Other Myths, MoodVertigo

"Reading One Note Symphonies was like entering a world on the brink of insanity. Intelligence abounds, along with irony, absurdity, imagination, fantasy, and best of all prose.

One Note Symphonies is made up of short stories, brisk, vivid and brilliantly written. They read more like glimpses of life and thought, stories of events, incidents and episodes.

Sean Brijbasi is a brilliant writer, his ability to convey such feelings and thought in such bursts of creativity is refreshing. It made me wonder about the writer himself. Not only do the stories take place in different parts of the world, but they involve figures contemporary and historical. I found myself wondering what made him think such thoughts, what influenced his writing, were these things that came from within or observations from without. When a writer can do that they have succeeded in provoking the reader in mind and thought. I look forward to reading more from this mind."

Diane Morgan, editor NewBookReviews

"Sean Brijbasi is a fresh new voice on the fiction scene. His first novel, "One Note Symphonies" brings a series of linked stories powerfully to bear on character, place, and all the big themes. He is clearly a writer to be watched and waited for. As he says, the truth and beauty of things only show themselves in moments."

--Judith Paterson, award-winning author, Sweet Mystery
"And I suppose I could think about that day while I am thinking about something else because I have the ability to think about 217 things at the same time. That is to say, I can consciously access them all simultaneously. I'm not sure how I do this but my mommy said that my grandfather could actually talk to several people at the same time without confusing any of the conversations. It was like he had five or six brains or mouths. They all got used to it she said because it was like being in a restaurant or at a bank and if you were one of the people talking to him, his other voices and other conversations sounded like background noise or whatever that noise is called that you hear but don't pay attention to when you're out somewhere. I thought that was kind of strange because I've never heard people talking in a bank, even when I was little and voices were louder than they are now. "

From the book 'still life in motion'
(still life in motion is now available from PretendGeniusPress.  get special copies here. or purchase through amazon, powells,,,, or order it from your local book-store.)